
Alcoitão to vote

These are our characters to be voted. Who is going to rate our work?

Here are the following entries:

1 - a whale;
2 - a flower;
3 - a couple of quivis from New Zeland;
4 - a farmer;
5 - a beetle and its dung.

Thank you for everything!

The characters of Alcoitão on PhotoPeach


Betina Astride said...

Very nice!
Such creativity!
Petri… check our google doc, please. It's your turn to vote :)

Betina Astride said...

Dear all! I have a message from São's team:
the winner from Sónia's team is….

number 1: the whale

congratulations :))

RaifVAT said...

Congratulations dear Sónia and owner of the whale character.We are also love the whales.You know whales are the closest animal to humans.
Thanks a lot.

sónia said...

Thank you so much! The whales and the gorillas… isn't it? It's a privilege being so closest to these animals! Kisses to everybody!

RaifVAT said...

Yes, you are right i agree with you.Hugs to all

Unknown said...

Congratulations to all the students involved on the making-off of these objects, they were all beautiful and very well done, but the chosen one was number 1 (the whale ).

Unknown said...

Congratulations to all the students involved on the making-off of these objects, they were all beautiful and very well done, but the chosen one was number 1 (the whale ).